All endpoints related to analyses.
📄️ Upload a file for a new Batch Analysis
Upload a file for a new batch analysis. A file contains one or more documents that can be used to create a batch analysis. The file could have the extensions .csv, .jsonl, .json, or .xslx. Each record in the file should contain a 'text' field with the document text and an optional 'id' field with a unique identifier for the document.
📄️ List all analyses
List all Analyses that user has created. The list can be filtered by providing query parameters such as 'model' or paginated with 'offset' and 'limit'.
📄️ Create a Batch Analysis
Create a new Batch Analysis by providing the necessary information to analyze the documents. Optionally, you can also provide a file_id and column if you want to create the analysis using a previously uploaded file.
📄️ Run an Ad-hoc analysis
Run an Ad-hoc analysis of a list of documents.
📄️ Download all documents from an analysis
Download all documents from a analysis.
📄️ List all documents from an analysis
List all documents from an analysis. The list of documents can be filtered by providing query parameters such as 'search' , 'classes', 'labels', 'details' or paginated with 'offset' and 'limit'.
📄️ Retrieve an analysis
Retrieve an Analysis.
📄️ Update an analysis
Update an Analysis.
📄️ Delete an analysis
Delete an Analysis. This operation cannot be undone. The original document group will be preserved.