All endpoints related to workspaces. Workspaces contains all your projects and related data. They were previously called "Organizations"
📄️ Accept an invitation.
The data necessary to create a new user should be sent. If the user is already a member of Studio, only the membership will be added.
📄️ Create a new workspace.
Create a new workspace.
📄️ Resend an invitation.
Resend an invitation.
📄️ List all pending invitations
List all pending invitations.
📄️ Invite users to a workspace.
Invite users to a workspace. All invited users will have the same defined permission.
📄️ Update users role
Update users role
📄️ Remove a user from a workspace.
A workspace must have at least one manager
📄️ List all users' permissions from a workspace
List all users' permissions from a workspace
📄️ Add a new user to a workspace.
Add a new user to a workspace.
📄️ Cancel an invitation.
The invitation will be removed and the link user received by email won'tbe valid anymore.
📄️ Set a workspace as the default one.
Default workspaces will come pre-selected on Studio
📄️ List all users of a workspace
List all users of a workspace
📄️ Retrieve a workspace.
Retrieve a workspace.
📄️ Change a workspace.
Change a workspace.
📄️ Deactivates a workspace.
Deactivates a workspace.