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AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe is a service that recognizes speech in your audio or video and transcribes that speech into text.

!!! note "Credentials" You can find authentication information for this node here.

Basic Operations

Transcription Job

  • Create a transcription job
  • Delete a transcription job
  • Get a transcription job
  • Get all transcriptions job

Example Usage

1. Start node

The start node exists by default when you create a new workflow.

2. AWS S3 node (getAll: file)

This node will retrieve all the files from an S3 bucket you specify.

  1. First of all, you'll have to enter credentials for the AWS S3 node. You can find out how to do that here.
  2. Select 'Get All' from the Operation dropdown list.
  3. Enter the bucket name in the Bucket Name field.
  4. Toggle Return All to true. This option will return information on all the files stored in the S3 bucket.
  5. Click on Execute Node to run the node.

3. AWS Transcribe node (create: transcriptionJob)

This node will create a transcription job for the files that get returned by the previous node.

  1. Select the credentials that you entered in the previous node.
  2. Click on the gears icon next to the Job Name field and click on Add Expression.
  3. Enter {{$json["Key"].replace(/\s/g,'-')}} in the Expression field. The code snippet fetches the name of the file and replaces the white-spaces with a hyphen (-).
  4. Click on the gears icon next to the Media File URI field and click on Add Expression.
  5. Enter s3://{{$node["AWS S3"].parameter["bucketName"]}}/{{$json["Key"]}} in the Expression field.
  6. Toggle Detect Language to true.
  7. Click on Execute Node to run the node.