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In Studio, integrations are called nodes.

Nodes are the building blocks of automations in Studio. They are an entry point for retrieving data, a function to process data or an exit for sending data. The data process includes filtering, recomposing and changing data. There can be one or several nodes for your API, service or app. You can connect multiple nodes, which allows you to create simple and complex automations with them intuitively.

Connector categories

There are two main node types in Studio: Trigger nodes and Regular nodes.


The Connectors that are extensively tested and released for production use in automation flows.

Beta Connectors

The Connectors that are released based on customer requests after intial as a beta while being extensively tested in parallel for production use. Over time, Beta Connectors will be integrated to Connectors.

Managed Connectors

The Connectors that are used as placeholders to systems that can be integrated to using HTTP Request Connecto or Webhook Connector based on integrations that have been used by customers but that require individual development and integration efforts and are currently not available for no-code usage.

Node types

There are two main node types in Studio: Trigger nodes and Regular nodes.

Trigger Nodes

The Trigger nodes start a workflow and supply the initial data. A workflow can contain multiple trigger nodes but with each execution, only one of them will execute. This is because the other trigger nodes would not have any input as they are the nodes from which the execution of the workflow starts.

Regular Nodes

These nodes do the actual work. They can add, remove, and edit the data in the flow as well as request and send data to external APIs. They can do everything possible with Node.js in general.


External services need a way to identify and authenticate users. This data can range from an API key over an email/password combination to a very long multi-line private key and can be saved in Studio as credentials.

Nodes in Studio can then request that credential information. As an additional layer of security credentials can only be accessed by node types which specifically have the right to do so.